medical gas systems

Medical gasses are used at Health related facilities in such sections as surgeries, delivery rooms and intervention rooms, where surgical operations are performed, as well as in intensive care units, reanimation services and patient rooms, where care and treatment is carried out, and in operation of the surgical devices.

Oxygen, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, 4 bar medical air, 7 bar surgical air, mixed gasses as well as pure nitrogen are the medical gasses used in aforementioned procedures.

Due to the fact that Medic gas systems carry some risks that are directly related to human life, the project design must be well engineered and application must be realized using latest technology, hygienic and high quality materials in an informed manner.

As such, system design of medical gasses, distribution to the related gas receptacles through piping, assembly of medical vacuum and anesthetic waste gas systems require special attention and expertise.

Project designs and applications must be in compliance with national and international standards. In addition, system design should be such that it can be adapted to technical developments and changes that will occur in time.

Specifications and sample applications of oxygen installations, nitrous oxide installations, 4 bar pressured medical gas installations, 7 bar surgical air installations, pure nitrogen installations, vacuum installations, anesthetic gas installations and system elements as well as how the EN ISO 7396-1(2007) European Standard, the TS EN ISO 7396-1(2009) standard, which is fully endorsed in our country, and the other standards referred to in terms of capacity specifications will be used shall be explained in this study.